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2016 Photos Page

October Meeting

The IRB Boat Club was for the birds in October when close to 30 members gathered for our monthly meeting, which was all about about the birds. As boaters, we all see and interact with water birds, but few of us know much about them. We all live in and around the water—together, so it was time to find out more about them.

Our guest speaker Lynn Sumerson, from the  Audubon Society, discussed the water birds we see in Florida including numerous types of herons and of course ospreys, shown above, who are beginning to build nests and having babies.

September End of Summer Island Party

It was near perfect boating conditions for about 50 Boat Clubbers on 18 boats. A sea breeze kept temperatures low, while the group celebrated the end of another great summer of boating adventures. The party had a little bit of everything going on: laughing, eating, playing in the water, and a grill and table loaded with more food than we could eat, all followed by a great sunset.


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August Trip to Clearwater Beach’s Marina Cantina

More than 40 members visited the newest restaurant on Clearwater Beach, the Marina Cantina Restaurant inside the Clearwater Beach Marina. We had a delicious spread of appetizers on the top deck, before moving to the second floor and air conditioning, for an early dinner.

 A big Thank You to the owners and staff for a great afternoon!

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June Trip to Tarpon Springs

The Club tried something and took a trip to Tarpon Springs’ Turtle Cove Marina. While some members spent the weekend, some drove up for a pool party on Saturday, and others stayed overnight stay Saturday night. In total we had six boats and 21 people enjoying all or part of the trip.

Turtle Cove Marina is fairly new and is located two blocks south of
Dodecanese Blvd. which is the main shopping dining area. The marina has floating docks, a Clubhouse and bar, pool and tiki hut. Our trip included dinner at Rusty Bellies Friday night, a pool party Saturday and dinner Saturday night at Mykonos followed by dessert at Hellas.



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May Fish Fry in the Park

The 2nd Annual IRB Boat Club Fish Fry was Saturday, May 14th in the south end of Keegan-Claire Park (the one with the floating docks) in Indian Rocks Beach. More than 60 members gathered to enjoy an afternoon of great food, games and a raffle which includes some boat related raffle items.

The fish fry menu, supplied by Crabby Bill’s was  Southern Fried Fish  – Buns for Sandwiches  –  Crispy Fries  –  Celery Seed Slaw  –  BBQ Baked Beans  –  Hushpuppies

Our raffle sponsors included: Two $25 gift certificates to Crabby Bill’s Seafood, Don’s Salvage – $25 gift certificates,  Largo Intercoastal Marine $25 for gas or service,  Sandbar – Three $10 gift certificates, IRB boat flag, and Free Custom Made T-Shirt  FOCUS GRAPHICS


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April Afternoon at Salt Rock Grill

April 24th, close to 50 members gathered at Salt Rock Grill for a Sunday Funday! The weather was perfect, the food amazing as always, the drinks and champagne was flowing and the company couldn’t have been better. What a great way to kick off our summer of boating fun!20160424_123616-2

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April Meeting

2016-04-21-20.16.14For the last meeting of the season members gathered to hear guest speaker Howard Rothstein, a member of the St Pete Power Squadron discussing Hurricane Preparedness. The 2016 Hurrican2016-04-21-19.56.47e Season begins June 1st, so it’s time to get ready for the season. Howard had an informative presentation on what you need to have on hand to protect your boat during a hurricane.

March Meeting

Close to 25 Members of the Boat Club gave up a couple of hours of their St. Patrick Day celebration to attend the meeting and listen to guest speaker Tow Boat US Captain Clayton Tieman’s interesting discussion of his business, what is involved in a tow, and some of the towing and salvage operations he has worked.

At the end of the meeting there was a contest for the most festive St. Patrick’s Day clothes. Jeanne Mele won gift certificates to Beef O’Brady’s.


March Intracoastal Cleanup

The Club’s Annual Spring Intracoastal Waterway Cleanup was March 12. John Pfanstiehl was the contact person that morning and more trash than normal was collected including three tires, all from different vehicles!

Participants were: Mary Beth Daniels, Stephen Sanders, Linda Newton, Bill Kamenos, Bill Thomas, Jerry Newton (not pictured John Pfanstiehl, Kelly Cisarik)

The Boat Club conducts two cleanups each year. The next one will be in October.


February Brunch at Island Way Grill

More than 70 members enjoyed a fabulous Sunday Brunch at the end of February. They had us all seated together outside on the South Patio. We filled their floating docks, and some members even came by car. With the mild temperatures and bright sunshine it was a perfect day!

Once again this event proves to be one of our most popular! If you missed it, plan to attend next year. It really is a great event!

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January an Afternoon at The Pub Waterfront Restaurant


The club gathered for a beautiful, warm, sunny January day at The Pub. Members had food and drink while enjoying the beautiful weather. Some took advantage of the free boat safety inspections offered the the Coast Guard Auxiliary.


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